How to Seduce a Goldfish

How to Seduce a Goldfish

Have you ever knocked on the side of a fish tank and felt betrayed by the goldfishes that ignored you? You push your face against the side, yell at them—loudly enough to wake up a fossil—or serve their favorite purple treats that smell like chicken poo, and they’re...
The 44 P’s of Marketing

The 44 P’s of Marketing

The four P’s of marketing is a common starting place for planning marketing. But marketing is much more than your advertisement. Everything you do is a part of your marketing. The 44 P’s of marketing is a more comprehensive list of things to consider when you market...
Rational Approach to SEO

Rational Approach to SEO

You could follow random SEO advice and rely on tricks and rumors. Or you could take a rational approach to SEO. If you throw a rock in any direction in a large city, odds are high you hit a self-proclaimed “SEO guru” in the head. They “know”...