It’s usually easier to get consistent marketing results if you aim past your goals.
Nearly all of my clients see significant year on year growth—every year. A part of why that happens is that I’m not focused on just each year’s goals. Rather, I look for steps that most consistently enable 5-10x bigger results in 3-5 years than what they’re aiming for in a single year.
That means we reach the short-term goals very consistently. It also makes it much more likely that the growth continues.
There are many reasons it works, but here are two of them.
People undervalue efficiency
Many ideas that can 10x profit are more efficient than ideas that can only 2x profit. It is specifically the efficiency that often makes them have so much higher ceiling for results.
Efficiency is a tragically undervalued virtue in marketing/business. Every little bit of inefficiency piles up, which often makes the entire marketing process stall.
People overestimate the likely results
If an idea could help you 2x profit at best, it means everything has to work perfectly for it to happen. And that rarely happens.
On the other hand, many ideas that have the potential to 10x your profit can create significant growth, even if they don’t work nearly as well as you hoped.
When short-term options are sometimes necessary for consistent marketing results
Sometimes short-term options are okay because they naturally evolve into something better or they are necessary stepping stones into something better.
Note that even an idea that can significantly increase profit is not necessarily a great idea. If you want to go further than that idea can take you, then it’s—at best—a short-term solution.
Prioritize consistency (if you want consistent growth)
Consistency means both the likelihood of success with any given idea and the overall consistency of growth year after year.
Consistency, in any form, doesn’t happen by accident. That’s by definition; consistency is literally not something that happens randomly.
You can invest as much as you like in marketing and not see anything resembling consistent growth. If you want consistent marketing results (year after year), you have to use resources specifically to create consistency.
One key thing that enables consistency is looking for ways to reach much bigger goals than you have in mind at the moment. Hence, it’s usually easier to get consistent marketing results if you aim past your goals.