Example of a Clear, Strong Value Proposition (architect)

When your services are just about identical with your competitors' services, it can seem difficult to stand out from the crowd. Here's how one of my clients—an architect—did it.

Stand Out with a Sharp Message

  • Why USPs and branding rarely increase sales
  • Why exceptional companies get lost in the crowd
  • How to ensure all of your marketing creates a cohesive, memorable brand image

Case Studies

Peter first improved my messaging, so it became clearer what to focus on to stand out. I have broken my revenue goals multiple times since then.

Inez Vermeulen

Europe HR Solutions

Almost no one can differentiate themselves in our industry, but now we have a marketing message that clearly separates us from competitors.

Mikki Aalto-Ylevä

Haltu Oy

Peter brought clarity to our marketing. We’ve approximately doubled our online sales each year since then.

Halfdan Hansen

Jens Hansen Gold & Silversmith

Peter makes [marketing] so much clearer that it feels like you have a crystal ball that tells what’s going to happen next.

Jukka Knuutinen


Schedule your FREE Stand Out Strategy session

We will discuss your positioning, messaging, and overall marketing plan. You will see the practical steps it would take for you to STAND OUT from the competition and drastically increase your profit.

I define value proposition as the collection of the best reasons your target customers have for taking the action you’re asking for.

In other words, it describes why they would want to pay attention to you, join your email list, buy your products, or hire you. Or do anything else you hope for.

The normal definitions reduce the concept or value proposition to something that has little practical value. “Promise of value to be delivered” is something investors and executives consider interesting, but it’s far from what it could be.

Some time ago, I worked with Jeffrey Veffer to create a clear, strong value proposition for his business.

Typically, all his competitors offer essentially the same things. Differences exist, but they’re rarely anything more than differences in style.

Architects, like all creative professionals, often struggle to make their products and services clearly “better” or different than competitors.

But they, too, need to have a good value proposition. Otherwise, they can’t give people good reasons for even paying attention to their work.

Interview with architect Jeffrey Veffer about his value proposition

You can learn more about Jeffrey’s work at incited.ca.

What a clear value proposition gives you

Having a clear, strong value proposition gives you a foundation for marketing and building your business.

Without a clear value proposition, you’re essentially guessing what you should focus on with your marketing and business.

The clarity not only helps you say the right things that move people to action, but also helps you improve your products and services. In other words, it makes you a clearer and better choice for your customers.

And when you use your value proposition in marketing, people see clearly what makes you special, it’s difficult for “the wrong clients” to come to you. The clarity attracts just the kind of clients you really want to work with.

In the end, you’ll be able to charge more and get more clients, and they’re more likely to refer new business to you. All because you know why exactly they want to buy from you.

If you want to find the core of your value proposition, download the free, 2-page PDF that shows you a simple 5-step system for finding it.

Stand Out with Sharp Marketing Messaging

What exactly makes people choose you?

In this video + summary:

  • Why USPs, value propositions, and branding rarely increase sales
  • Why exceptional companies get lost in the crowd — and how to make your marketing messaging stand out
  • How to turn your message into effective, cohesive marketing

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marketing messaging training

Peter first improved my messaging, so it became clearer what to focus on to stand out. I have broken my revenue goals multiple times since then.

Inez Vermeulen

Europe HR Solutions

Almost no one can differentiate themselves in our industry, but now we have a marketing message that clearly separates us from competitors.

Mikki Aalto-Ylevä

Haltu Oy

Peter brought clarity to our marketing. We’ve approximately doubled our online sales each year since then.

Halfdan Hansen

Jens Hansen Gold and Silversmith

Peter makes [marketing] so much clearer that it feels like you have a crystal ball that tells what’s going to happen next.

Jukka Knuutinen


Schedule your FREE Stand Out Strategy session

We will discuss your positioning, messaging, and overall marketing plan. You will see the practical steps it would take for you to STAND OUT from the competition and drastically increase your profit.