Marketing Masterminds & Courses

Easy-to-implement instructions for small business owners who want practical instructions for specific areas of their business.

Note that many of the courses are not generally available. Rather, they’re periodically available for people on my email list.

Marketing Mastermind Programs

Effortless Sales Makers

Get clear on what makes people want to buy from you.

Make sure your offer matches what people hope to get from you.

Build a presentation that makes people want your offer.

Get it all done during the live mastermind sessions.

Lead Stream Builders

Create a lead magnet that attracts your ideal customers and makes them see you as their best option.

Write an automated email nurture sequence that gets people to take the next step toward buying.

Develop and start your Late-Night Email Show (newsletter), which doesn’t only fit you, but also keeps people interested and steadily gets them closer to buying.

Marketing Courses

6-Figure Website

Make your website convert visitors into leads and customers.

Whether you’re building a new website or simply tweaking an existing website, you need to go through the same steps to get consistently good results.

Note that this course is not a design or coding course. Rather, it’s focused on things that dictate your conversions.

Smart Advertising with Pocket Change

Learn the strategic thinking behind effective, low-risk advertising, even with a small budget.

Public launch coming…

Effortless Sales Blueprint

Learn to lead a friendly, effective sales conversation and pre-sell, so there’s no need to sell in person.

Public launch coming…

Linkedin Marketings System

Use a simple method for connecting with your ideal customers through Linkedin.

Public launch coming…

Your Marketing Campaign Battleplan

Build a solid marketing and sales funnel that fits you and your business.

Public launch coming…

Crash Course in Practical Conversion Optimization

Find the best opportunities for significant improvements in your existing marketing.

Enticing Offers

Make your offers appealing to your target customers and good for your business.

Public launch coming…

Partnership marketing workshop

Use the many forms of partnership marketing to reach your potential customers.

Public launch coming…

Presentation Follow-up Email System

Write an email follow-up sequence to your webinar/video to double your sales.

Public launch coming…