Guarantee Blindness

Offering the right guarantee can increase your sales significantly. But guarantees are now so common that unless you do it just right, people will barely notice you offered one. Here's how to create a strong guarantee that leads to more sales.

Stand Out with a Sharp Message

  • Why USPs and branding rarely increase sales
  • Why exceptional companies get lost in the crowd
  • How to ensure all of your marketing creates a cohesive, memorable brand image

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Peter first improved my messaging, so it became clearer what to focus on to stand out. I have broken my revenue goals multiple times since then.

Inez Vermeulen

Europe HR Solutions

Almost no one can differentiate themselves in our industry, but now we have a marketing message that clearly separates us from competitors.

Mikki Aalto-Ylevä

Haltu Oy

Peter brought clarity to our marketing. We’ve approximately doubled our online sales each year since then.

Halfdan Hansen

Jens Hansen Gold & Silversmith

Peter makes [marketing] so much clearer that it feels like you have a crystal ball that tells what’s going to happen next.

Jukka Knuutinen


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Do you offer a “30-day money-back” or “100% satisfaction” guarantee?

As great as those sound, they’re just not as effective as they used to be.

People don’t notice standard guarantees anymore. They’ve got guarantee blindness.

One of the most important things a good copywriter does is make your prospects believe—beyond a doubt—that they’re going to get incredible results.

But whether you hire a copywriter or you write your own sales pages, you should understand how guarantee blindness affects your sales; otherwise, you can only hope the copywriter knows how to form a great guarantee.

Strong guarantees are almost sure to create more sales than refunds, so offering them makes sense (as long as your product is as good as it’s supposed to be).

But to get really great results, you need to make the guarantee shine so brightly that even the blind will see it.

So, What Still Works?

Here are some guarantees I’ve used in my clients’ sales pages:

  • 10 times your investment back within 6 months
  • 365-day “You’ll Be Thrilled” guarantee
  • Add $1,000 to your monthly income within 6 months
  • Start earning at least $3-6K/month within 12 months or your money back + $1,000 extra

Those are pretty darn strong guarantees. They’re so strong, in fact, that they slide right past guarantee blindness, and people actually notice them.

But even a strong guarantee is worthless if it doesn’t grab your readers’ attention.

Where Should You Mention The Guarantee?

The standard is to mention it at the end of the sales page. If you get 10% of readers to read that far, the guarantee can affect 10% of readers.

If it’s mentioned in the page’s headline, it can affect 100% of readers.

But if you offer a standard guarantee, the first headline isn’t the right place for it.

You shouldn’t mention the guarantee in the headline unless it focuses on the most important value you’re offering.

If the best part about your product is that the buyers get their money back if they don’t like it, you should come up with a new product.

So, unless the guarantee is directly tied to the core promise, for example, “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days or its free,” it shouldn’t get a prime spot on the sales page.

That leads to the question: how do you come up with the right guarantee?

How to Make Even The Blind See

You can expect the readers to forget the guarantee almost immediately after reading about it.

It’s not that they couldn’t understand it, it’s that they’re blind to the actual promise—they’re guarantee blind.

Still, there’s a huge potential benefit to offering the right guarantee.

First, everything you say is easier to believe after you’ve guaranteed readers will get exactly what you promise.

Instead of scrutinizing your every claim, they have the idea in the back of their minds that it’s all “guaranteed to be true.”

Second, when you offer an unusually strong guarantee before the reader even considers what you’re selling, you’ve minimized the perceived risk of the purchase.

Handling objections such as “What if the product isn’t as good as it’s supposed to be?” before the reader thinks about them is easier than addressing them after the reader has thought of them.

To get those benefits, you need to weave the idea of the guarantee tightly into the copy:

  • It needs to surface several times throughout the copy (if the page is long)
  • It needs to be a selling point just like the main benefits of the product
  • It needs to be so clear that the reader doesn’t have to stop to think about it
  • It needs to directly demonstrate the value of the product and the benefits the reader can get

If you don’t keep the guarantee front and center, it won’t make a big difference to your sales.

Guarantee What The Readers Want You to Guarantee

What would your customers want you to guarantee?

Do they want just the usual money-back guarantee? Do they want you to guarantee a specific end result or timespan?

Find a way to make your guarantee-blind readers notice you’re guaranteeing exactly what they’re hoping for.

The right guarantee can create a huge increase to your sales, so make sure you get it right.

Stand Out with Sharp Marketing Messaging

What exactly makes people choose you?

In this video + summary:

  • Why USPs, value propositions, and branding rarely increase sales
  • Why exceptional companies get lost in the crowd — and how to make your marketing messaging stand out
  • How to turn your message into effective, cohesive marketing

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marketing messaging training

Peter first improved my messaging, so it became clearer what to focus on to stand out. I have broken my revenue goals multiple times since then.

Inez Vermeulen

Europe HR Solutions

Almost no one can differentiate themselves in our industry, but now we have a marketing message that clearly separates us from competitors.

Mikki Aalto-Ylevä

Haltu Oy

Peter brought clarity to our marketing. We’ve approximately doubled our online sales each year since then.

Halfdan Hansen

Jens Hansen Gold and Silversmith

Peter makes [marketing] so much clearer that it feels like you have a crystal ball that tells what’s going to happen next.

Jukka Knuutinen


Schedule your FREE Stand Out Strategy session

We will discuss your positioning, messaging, and overall marketing plan. You will see the practical steps it would take for you to STAND OUT from the competition and drastically increase your profit.