Marketing Case Studies

Majority of long-term clients see more than 100% increase in profit within a year.
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marketing advisor case study Europe HR Solutions

Record Revenues with Less Workload

Europe HR Solutions is a consultancy offering outsourced HR and HR specialist services.

They needed a way to more consistently stand out as the best option among the competitors. The main challenges were lack of effective differentiation and limited lead flow.

We started by developing a Stand Out Message, which uncovered and highlighted their unique advantages. It also clarified how those advantages should be communicated in marketing, so that their target customers will immediately understand them.

We also worked closely to find the most consistent ways to improve their marketing results. We evaluated options, chose which ones to focus on, and found the best way to move forward with the ideas. As a result, the company reached record revenues while reducing the CEO’s workload.

Peter first improved my messaging, so it became clearer what to focus on to stand out as the best option for my potential customers.

He has guided my marketing strategy and given clear guidance on how to implement things. I have broken my revenue goals multiple times since then.

Peter is a great listener and has the wonderful ability to simplify marketing activities with a clear goal of generating revenue. I strongly recommend working with Peter.

Inez Vermeulen

CEO, Europe HR Solutions

Peter helped me increase my sales by 423%.

Danny Iny

marketing messaging case study Mirasee

When you work with Peter Sandeen, you have a thought partner and an expert on your team. Rarely do deep knowledge and pragmatism come together in one person, as they do with Peter.

Constance Dierickx

marketing advisor case study Constance Dierickx

Even though I have coached thousands of business owners in developing their own marketing and message, I turned to Peter.

Jon Goldman

marketing messaging case study Brand Launcher
marketing advisor case study Quanscient

Stand-Out Positioning and More Leads

Quanscient offers an advanced cloud-based multiphysics simulation software.

Multiphysics simulation software is a critical part of product development for many companies. They are extremely wary of switching providers because of the high risk involved. They especially have reservations about software options that haven’t already been widely used by companies in their industry. Because of that, two companies have 95+% market share.

The main challenge was to stand out in a way that makes potential clients want to explore the new option despite their reservations and high risks associated with changing providers.

We started by developing a Stand Out Message for Quanscient Allsolve and made sure it comes across in all marketing. This made marketing create a clear, cohesive image of what separates the software from the competitors in a way people can’t ignore. The process also clarified what kind of people marketing should be aimed at for best results.

We also worked on marketing plans and their implementation to increase lead generation consistently. We considered different options together and chose which ones to focus on at the time. We put extra emphasis on trying out ideas in ways that would most likely provide us with useful information going forward. This was a high priority because the sales talks often take a long time, so waiting for sales before evaluating marketing efforts would slow down marketing unreasonably.

Quanscient has gotten the attention of almost every major potential client on the planet in some of their target industries.

We started working with Peter when our software was in final developed stages and in pilot use with on customers.

Peter has helped clarify our marketing messaging and helped us focus on the most important things. That’s made our marketing and sales far more systematic, which has resulted in more leads.

Our understanding of marketing and its measuring has also improved significantly. We’ve been able to focus on marketing and sales, instead of spending the time polishing strategy or other pondering.

Juha Riippi

CEO, Quanscient

Our marketing has gotten clearly more consistent thanks to Peter. We’ve also gotten much better at tracking and evaluating results in a way that makes it easy to improve our results further. Overall, our lead flow and lead quality has increased steadily.

The Stand Out Message Peter created for us has made it easy to create new marketing materials and keep the messaging consistent across campaigns and channels. He also pushed us to create a more distinct brand than any of our competitors. We’re competing against industry giants, so that’s almost necessary, but without his help, we wouldn’t have created anything as recognizable as what we have now.

Overall, he clarified our strategy, so we see our advantages clearly. That has made many usually difficult decisions around product development, pricing, and resource allocation almost comically easy.

Working with Peter has meant that we can quickly go over any concerns and ideas, form a clear plan, and then implement them quickly. We’ve been able to stretch our resources much further thanks to that. And he’s not just passively waiting for us to figure out what to do next; he also brings new ideas to the table. One of those made us get the attention of literally all of our dream clients in some industries.

If you want to make it easier for yourself to lead marketing, get Peter’s help. He makes things so much clearer that it feels like you have a crystal ball that tells what’s going to happen next.

Jukka Knuutinen

CMO, Quanscient

We’ve always known that we need a marketing message that tells concretely, yet interestingly, what [our service] is about, but developing a clear message hasn’t worked out. The result was a better way to explain what we basically already knew ourselves.

Nuutti Matinupa

marketing messaging case study Innoduel

Talking with Peter, after so many years of hype and over-promise with other marketers, is like landing on a sane, calm, more intelligent planet. I’ve always wanted a “me” for my own marketing, and I found him in Peter, the marketer’s marketer.

Ann Convery

marketing messaging case study Speak Your Business

The [new messaging] helped us not just define our product’s greatest benefits, but also wording it in a way that put them into perspective for the buyer to understand.

Rasmus Bjergegaard

marketing messaging case study Baltic Assist
marketing advisor case study Jens Hansen

Doubled Sales Multiple Years in a Row

Jens Hansen Gold & Silversmith is a jewelry artisan with a long history. The company is best known for creating the One Ring used in the Lord of the Rings movies.

When we started working together, they already had an established online store. They also did marketing consistently locally to attract tourists as well as the locals.

Globally, they compete with countless jewelry manufacturers, many of which are much better known, closer to the customer, and/or cheaper. Locally competition was limited, but even a single new competitor was cause for worry.

After creating a clear, compelling message that differentiates the company from the competition (and not only for those who want the One Ring replicas), we started systematically increasing their online sales. That included everything from developing new offers to A/B tests on their online store.

Overall, their online sales doubled each year. Notably, we didn’t need to lower prices or offer discounts to make that happen.

We’ve been in business since the 1960s, but never had a clear value proposition, so we never really knew exactly what to say in our marketing. The lack of a compelling message meant our sales weren’t increasing and with a new competitor in town it made it even more important to clearly differentiate ourselves. We were also heavily reliant on the short summer tourist season with only a fraction of sales happening online.

The main thing Peter did was to bring clarity to our marketing. We’ve focused on a clear message, which made marketing easier. And having someone help sort through all the options at different times and point out what to focus on has helped at least as much.

We’ve approximately doubled our online sales each year since then (breaking the $1mil line). And even though we still have seasonality, the multiplied online sales make it much steadier. The competitors are still there, too, but I don’t need to worry about them taking over our business.

Having someone who can simplify almost all marketing questions, so that they become clear, has made it easier for me to enjoy my work and the results it creates.

Halfdan Hansen

CEO, Jens Hansen Gold and Silversmith

marketing messaging case study Haltu

So Good, It Was Laughable

Haltu is a software development company. On the surface, their services are the same as countless competitors’. And potential clients usually see all companies in the industry as replaceable copies of each other.

The only way for most similar companies to stand out from the competition is to get a direct referral to a potential client. Otherwise, they often end up competing on price as they’re seen as a commodity. The referrals also tend to dry up as soon as there’s any economic downturn. All of these issues are exacerbated in a small market where companies can’t specialize in a narrow niche.

However, we could identify/develop meaningful differentiation for Haltu, which helps them stand out as clearly the best option for their ideal clients.

In our industry, almost no one manages to differentiate themselves, but now we have a marketing message that clearly separates us from our competitors. It goes straight into use in multiple marketing and sales contexts.

The experience was so surprising and positive, that in addition to coworkers, I told about it to my wife. I started to laugh when I saw the ready Stand Our Message, because it was so brilliantly and clearly condensed, and its quality surprised me so positively.

So, even though the price was meaningful, I was very happy about the whole process and the outcome.

Mikki Aalto-Ylevä

CEO, Haltu Oy

marketing advisor case study South Air

Needed More People in 4-5 Months

When we first started with Peter we were a complete mess. Can’t figure out how we stayed in business for so long. Our marketing was hit and miss at best. We didn’t even know what to market. After a few months with Peter our value proposition was getting clear and the marketing streamlined. It felt good to at least know what we were marketing.

In just 4 or 5 months we were so far behind in work we had to hire more people to cover the work. (He helped with that too.)

For years we were frustrated with our inability to grow past the 1 million dollar mark but now there is light at the end of the tunnel.

As for Peter himself, he makes you think about things regarding your business and then teaches you to work on one thing at time. He has helped us drastically and made us aware of the some things we just ignored or let someone else handle.

First lesson I think he really taught us was “No one cares about your business like you the owner”. After just changing a few little things regarding pricing, website issues, and office management – WOW what a difference. We feel like we still have a lot to learn, however, we know Peter will guide us in the right direction.

I can sum this up in one word … Priceless. Thank you Peter!

David Roussel

CEO, South Air

Within 2 weeks… I got more clients paying for my high-end program than I did in the previous 6 months.

Steve Horsmon

marketing advisor case study Good Guys 2 Great Men

Working with Peter meant I had his laser focused and practical advice directly applied to my sales funnel. I set up my new sales funnel within 4-6 weeks. It’s already converting at close to 6% on a $1,000 product.

Natalie Sisson

marketing advisor case study Suitcase Entrepreneur

Peter gave me clear steps to follow to rebuild all the steps in my conversion path. And a clear process to follow in order to test and improve on this once we had it up and running. I now have a sales funnel in place that is consistently producing sales when I run ad traffic to it.

Mark Morley-Fletcher

marketing advisor case study Play in the Zone

I was stuck trying to develop my [messaging] on my own. I couldn’t quite see what would excite a client enough to hire my company. [Now] I can see it in people’s eyes that they understand how beneficial my services could be to solving their issues.

Elayne Summers

Zero Defects Solutions

If you’re sick of gimmicks and tired of constantly changing course in your messaging, I would recommend a dose of Peter’s medicine.

Steven Washer

marketing messaging case study Visible Authority

On every point of discussion Peter always had experienced and knowledgeable ideas of how to solve any problem.

Ian Roberts

marketing advisor case study Ian Roberts

Schedule Your FREE Stand Out Strategy Session

During your free video call consultation, we will discuss:

  • How your current positioning and messaging works
  • Where you have the greatest potential for growth
  • What next steps you could take to see significant improvements
  • If there is a good fit, how we might work together

There's no assumption or pressure to hire me at the end. However, these sessions are meant for people who are genuinely interested in possibly working together. If you want to just send me a message, send an email to contact {at}

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